The controversy over the relevance of homework to studies has refused to go despite the arguments for and against over the past years. It appears homework has come to stay and it is now part and parcel of the educational system.

The cause of disagreement lies in the stress that the majority belief homework will bring on the students. We shall be addressing this issue of stress. The following tips that you are about reading will go all the way to help resolve the issue of stress when students are doing their homework.

  • Good night rest: Sleep is important for the overall health of the body. Teenagers need at least 8 hrs of rest at night. Children between ages 6 and 9 are entitled to 9-11 hours of sleep. This will prepare the child for the challenge in school the next day
  • Relaxation: It is the responsibility of the parent to create time for leisure. It might be at home or outside the home. This activity should be outside the normal school activities.
  • Take a break: When you observe that your child is having difficulty coping with the homework; encourage him to take a break. This will allow the child to regain energy and focus when he comes back to the assignment again.
  • Homework group: This is the age of the internet. You can organize homework groups for your kid either physically or by virtual. When your child meets their friends and they join their intellect together; homework will become less stressful.
  • Ask the teacher questions: If your child is having difficulty with the homework; take down questions bothering on the difficult areas and bring that before the teacher. The assistance rendered by the teacher will help in resolving the problem areas.
  • Be organized: Make sure the venue where your kid is doing his homework is well organized with no distraction whatsoever. All the materials needed to carry out the homework must be provided at the venue.
  • Review: There should be a written agenda based on homework that is given to the child. This agenda should be reviewed every day. It will be of assistance to your ward if you encourage him to do this every day.
  • Start Early: Create a schedule of doing the homework immediately after the child gets back from school. Get a list of what should be done every day and make sure the child starts early enough.
  • Time management: When it is time for homework; there should be total devotion. The concentration should be high. The cell phone should be kept away. The time for homework should be effectively managed.
  • There should be a schedule: You are expected to help your child with a schedule that they should stick to. Every chore that the child has to do should be given a time schedule. That way the child will stay organized.

Final thought

The above creative ways will help in reducing the burden of stress that come with homework.

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