/** * Trusted Custom JS * * @package Trusted * * Distributed under the MIT license - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ // Defining a function to set size for page title padding if we have a very large primary menu function fullscreen(){ var topbarheight = $('#top-bar').outerHeight(); topbarheight = parseInt(topbarheight); if ( topbarheight > 0 ) { jQuery('.toggle-nav').css({ 'top' : topbarheight + 'px' }); } if ( ! $('#primary-menu').length ) { jQuery('.toggle-nav').css({ 'display' : 'none' }); } var masthead = $('#masthead').height(); var headertitle = $('.header-title').height(); masthead = parseInt(masthead); headertitle = parseInt(headertitle); var masthead2 = masthead + 70; var masthead3 = masthead + 25; var headerheight = masthead + headertitle + 135; var headerheighthome = masthead + headertitle + 348; if( $('.home .main-header').length ) { jQuery('.home .main-header').css({ 'padding-top' : masthead2 + 'px', 'min-height' : headerheighthome + 'px' }); 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// Target quantity inputs on product pages jQuery('input.qty:not(.product-quantity input.qty)').each( function() { var min = parseFloat( jQuery( this ).attr('min') ); if ( min && min > 0 && parseFloat( jQuery( this ).val() ) < min ) { jQuery( this ).val( min ); } }); jQuery( document ).on('click', '.plus, .minus', function() { // Get values var $qty = jQuery( this ).closest('.quantity').find('.qty'), currentVal = parseFloat( $qty.val() ), max = parseFloat( $qty.attr('max') ), min = parseFloat( $qty.attr('min') ), step = $qty.attr('step'); // Format values if ( ! currentVal || currentVal === '' || currentVal === 'NaN') currentVal = 0; if ( max === '' || max === 'NaN') max = ''; if ( min === '' || min === 'NaN') min = 0; if ( step === 'any' || step === '' || step === undefined || parseFloat( step ) === 'NaN') step = 1; // Change the value if ( jQuery( this ).is('.plus') ) { if ( max && ( max == currentVal || currentVal > max ) ) { $qty.val( max ); } else { $qty.val( currentVal + parseFloat( step ) ); 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